The Danish Architecture Center (DAC) has announced that the first permanent exhibition on Danish Architecture will open on March 24, 2023, in Copenhagen. The exhibition titled “So Danish!” tells the story of the evolution of architecture in the country, starting from the Viking Age and continuing to the present day. By presenting this history, it aims to help visitors understand the role and influence of architecture in the Danish democratic society.
The exhibition invites visitors on a journey exploring the ways in which architecture has always played a central role in the formation and understanding of Danish culture. In addition to highlights of Danish architectural history, the event also presents the opportunity to dive into individual style periods, to become familiar with the architects, and discover new projects that have had an impact on the practice of architecture in the country.

The works of architecture presented cover all levels of scale, from buildings and urban spaces to infrastructure projects and landscape architecture. Specific installation aim to resurrect iconic buildings and bring them to life in small, enveloping cinematic experiences that hope to recreate the feeling of standing in the physical building.
The opening event of the exhibition, happening on the evening of March 23 at the DAC, proposes a Building Battle. In this event, significant voices from the field of architecture will present a Pecha Kucha storytelling show to help visitors decide which building deserves the title of “The Most Iconic Building” in Danish architecture. The event also includes an acoustic jazz concert, opening speeches, and dinner at the DAC Café.

The So Danish! exhibition is part of Copenhagen’s architecture-focused program for this year, following UNESCO’s proclamation of Copenhagen as the World Capital of Architecture for 2023. The city is also hosting the UIA World Congress of Architects, open between July 2 and July 6, 2023, an event that has recently announced its program and guiding themes. Other anticipated events include the Copenhagen Architecture Festival, the Film Mosaic competition, and the Open House Copenhagen.